
Little Night Music

My friend David Gram and I did Babar the Little Elephant together, and I music directed the few tunes in The Good Person of Szechuan that he directed, and I've seen him in shows he acted in and shows he directed.
He always finds ways to put twists on his shows, like changing the role of set pieces, and his shows are always both deep and entertaining. So I was really excited to go to the opening of A Little Night Music last night, that he directed for Boston Opera Collaborative.
The set was beautiful, particularly the entirely painted stage floor that looked like paper wall, and see-through pieces of fabric that he used to separate events in time (for "Remember")and space (when couples indulge in the bedroom while another character talks in the sitting room for example).
The other great part of the show was Kristina Riegle who played Desiree Armfeldt. She had it all: the acting, the beauty, the singing, the timing, you name it she had it.
I also got the surprise of seeing my friend Jennifer Rizzo who, I didn't know, was playing Fredericka Armfeldt. We had done La Voix Humaine by Poulenc together, and had had such a fun time doing it that it was really fun to hear her and see her again.
So all in all a great show, that ended with yummy chocolates and sweets from the opening reception.

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