
Should you have a label?

More and more of us artists make a living by banking on their multiple abilities. You're a performer, and a composer and a sound engineer; or you're an actor, and a director and a playwright, etc.

Being able to do so many different things really is great because it makes you more marketable and gets you more gigs.

Now if you want to put all of your talents to work, there is one thing to remember carefully.

People love to label other people. To put them in categories. And to deal with simple ideas. If your different jobs do not respond to the same job description, then it's time for you to make sure you really separate them from each other.

Here is how to go about helping people to understand what you do without confusing them:
  1. You don't have to pick and do only one of your jobs, but you do have to make sure that you introduce yourself as only doing one of those professions when you meet people. 
  2. Don't even think about having all of your titles on your business card. 
  3. Different resumes and cover letters are a must for each job as well. 
  4. When you use social medias, each site has a different audience and with each site you have a different label. If you start putting your facebook on your twitter, or vice versa, you will confuse your audiences which will hurt how they see you.
Do you apply to a job by saying that you are finishing your studies? No, the employer will get confused whether you are a student or a professional. Do you send your compositions with an email explaining that you are a teacher in this prestigious school, hoping it will impress the employer? You get the point. You have to make whatever job you want sound like that job is your primary area of interest and experience.

This sounds obvious  but take a closer look at what you do and who you talk to. Do you have a clear label? Or do you unintentionally confuse potential clients?


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