
Is passion a good thing?

Passion is a big part of musicians' lives. But there are two kinds of passion, one good and one bad, as described in this article by Scott Kaufman for the Harvard Business Review.

Harmonious Passion 
"Those with harmonious passion engage in their work because it brings them intrinsic joy. They have a sense of control of their work, and their work is in harmony with their other activities in life.

At the same time, they know when to disengage, and are better at turning off the work switch when they wish to enjoy other activities or when further engagement becomes too risky."

Obsessive Passion 
"Like those with harmonious passion, those with obsessive passion perceive their work as representing a passion for them, and view their work as highly valued.
A major difference is that they have an uncontrollable urge to engage in their work. As a result, they report feeling more conflict between their passion and the other activities in their life."

Photo from http://www.123rf.com/photo_9370384_attractive-musician-playing-guitar-on-his-knees-and-making-a-rock-and-roll-gesture-over-white.html

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